Post Port Canaveral Fishing: 3 Ways to Cook Your Catch

November 1, 2019

So, you finished your fishing trip in Port Canaveral, and things went very well for you. You’ve come back with some nice, large fish that you simply can’t wait to show off and eat. Of course, you might be wondering just what you should do to make the fish as appetizing as possible. While the type of fish that you have, as well as the number of fish, can affect your decision, you will find that there are many great options that are available to you.

Let’s look at some of the ways you can cook your catch and have a great time with friends after your trip to Port Canaveral. Once you have your fish cleaned and ready to go, you will want to consider the three following options. Which of these will be right for the fish that you’ve just caught?


Grilling the fish is easily one of the best ways to prepare your meal, and you will find that many different types of fish can go quite well when cooked this way. Some of the options include bass, catfish, salmon, red snapper, swordfish, and halibut, and that is barely scratching the surface. Fish that have firm flesh tend to do well on the grill. If it is not as firm, you might need to put down some aluminum foil.

To grill properly, you will want to make sure that your grill grates are as clean as possible, and that you designate one side of the grill to be the cool area. If you are using a gas grill, simply keep the burners off on one side. If you are using charcoal, you will pile the coals on one side of the grill.

Coat the fish with oil to help to preserve some of the moisture inside. You can season with salt, as well. Once the fish is cooked halfway through, you will want to flip it. For every inch of fish that is being cooked, it will equate to around 10 minutes of time cooking on a grill that has medium heat. After it is finished grilling, you can take it off the grill and serve it.


Most types of fish that you will catch and that have thick fillets taste great when they are baked. It’s also a healthy way to prepare your fish, similar to grilling. One of the first things you will want to do is sear the fish on both sides quickly before you get it ready to bake. This can help to seal in the juices.

When you are baking fish, one of the problems that can occur is having the fish dry out too much. In addition to searing it, you will also want to consider coating it in some type of marinade and even putting some thin lemon slices into the bottom of the baking pan. You can then bake it at 350 degrees, although temperatures that are a little lower can work, as well.


Of course, we can’t forget one of the other most popular options when it comes to preparing fish. Frying, while it might not be the healthiest option, is certainly tasty. However, there are several tips you will want to keep in mind when it comes to frying fish.

First, make sure that you keep the oil temperature between 350 to 375 degrees F. Thicker pieces should be cooked at 350, while thinner pieces should be cooked at 375. In addition, you will want to fry the fish in small batches. When you add more fish to the fryer, it will drop the temperature of the oil. Do not overcook the fish. Most of the time, pieces will be done in about three minutes.

Learn More Ways to Prepare Your Fish

Of course, these are just three of the ways to prepare some of the fish that you were able to catch on your Port Canaveral fishing trip. There are countless other ways to prepare fish and countless things that you can do with them. Add fish to a pasta dish, make sandwiches, make burritos or tacos… the list goes on and on! You will never be at a loss for new ways to prepare your fish.

Start collecting more recipes and talk with other anglers who are a part of your fishing group, and those that you meet. Find some new and interesting ways to prepare fish and keep those in mind to use after you finish your next fishing trip. Hopefully, it will be as successful as the one you just finished.


Best Guided Charter for Port Canaveral Fishing

July 24, 2019

You have decided that you would love to take a guided charter fishing out into Port Canaveral. You know that a great charter can mean a world of difference with the success of your trip and the number of fish or size of fish that you catch. Of course, with so many companies vying for your attention, it can be difficult to know exactly what it is you should be looking for when you are making your decision. The following can help you to narrow your decision, though. This should make it easier to find the best guided charter in Port Canaveral.

The Cheapest Doesn’t Mean the Best- Neither Does Most Expensive

One of the big mistakes that many people make when they are trying to choose a charter for fishing in Port Canaveral, and elsewhere, is focusing too much on the price. Yes, the amount that you will have to pay for the charter is important, but it is not the aspect of the charter that should be what makes or breaks your decision.

If you find a charter that is one of the cheapest, you have to wonder just why it is so cheap. What is it that allows them to charge so little? Do they offer less on the charter? Are the trips shorter? Do they have a bad reputation for customer service, and they are using rock bottom prices as a means to still attract clients? On the other hand, you also have to look at why some of the charters are charging such high prices. What is it about those charters that make them worth the money? Are they truly worth what is being charged for them?

The price shouldn’t be the deal breaker in either direction. However, you ultimately do need to research the company to get a better idea of those prices and whether the price is right for you.

Learn More About the Captian and Company

When you are researching the charter, you want to do more than just see what type of boat or boats they have available. You need to take the time to learn more about the company you are considering, a well as the captain that you are going to hire. What experience and skill does the captain bring to the table? How long have they been working in this field, and how much experience do they have in the area?

Learn What Is Included with the Charter

All charters will have different prices and different features, naturally. When you are checking on the prices, one of your tasks will also be learning exactly what is included with the fishing charter. Will they provide the tackle and other gear that you need? Will you have to bring your own lunch? Learn exactly what you are getting from the fishing charter and make sure it meets with your needs before you make your decision.

What Do Others Have to Say?

Just as with any other type of service or product that you are considering buying, one of the best ways to know whether it is right for you or not is with reviews. You will want to make sure that you look for a company that has some good reviews from other customers who have used their service in the past. This will give you a better idea of what it’s like to work with them. If you have a good time, you might want to consider writing your own review, as it could help another person find a great fishing charter for Port Canaveral in the future.

Take Your Time to Find the Best

You want to have the best possible experience when you are out fishing. You do not want to choose a captain that tries to book you right on the docks without you being able to do a bit of research. You need to make sure that you put in the time and the effort to research properly. Take the time needed to find a quality charter for your Port Canaveral fishing trip, and you are likely to be much happier with the results. Use the tips above to help you along the way.


The Benefits of Fishing Off Port Canaveral

January 24, 2019

Port Canaveral deep sea fishing is the central hub for your next deep sea fishing adventure. Port Canaveral is blessed with a near-perfect assortment of characteristics that make it the ideal launch pad for your Central Florida deep sea fishing charter. It is easily accessible with a variety of access points and its relatively close proximity to more than one airport. The non-fishing attractions are easy to access as well and there are several great options.

The beach is never too far away for a nice, relaxing time catching some waves or just sitting back and listening to them crash ashore. There is a wide variety of lodging options from upscale to more modest accommodations, but each with their own taste of the Port Canaveral flavor.

The nightlife is as exciting as the deep sea catches. Head over to one of the local bars for some live music or really get the club experience with a visit to Big Norm’s Club V, a floating club with all the trimmings.

How Much Central Florida Deep Sea Fishing Will Cost

While prices vary, it’s typical for deep sea fishing to run between $165 and $240 per hour. However, booking a full day trip can cost your significantly less, with a total of around $900 for the whole thing. This equates to about $100 per hour, a solid deal, particularly considering the amount, size, and variety of fish you will encounter.

Central Florida Deep Sea Fishing Charters

When it comes to choosing a Central Florida deep sea fishing charter, you have several decent options. The key is to choose the one with experience, knowledge, and the right boat and equipment for your needs. Given these requirements, Fin and Fly tops out the list. They have the crew, resources, and know how to give you the best deep sea fishing experience in Central Florida, one of the best fishing destinations in the entire world. Book your next fishing trip now!


5 Fantastic Saltwater Fishing Hacks

5 Fantastic Saltwater Fishing Hacks

October 1, 2018

Whether you’re an experienced angler or a beginner out on the water, you want to know the ins and outs of saltwater fishing. With these five fishing hacks, your day out on the Florida waters of Cape Canaveral, Orlando, and Cocoa Beach will go better than you would have ever expected.

1. Use new and interesting lures.

Saltwater fishing comes with lower visibility, and it’s tough to catch any fish’s eye. Try using brightly colored lures to help you to reel in your catch. Bright colors attract many different eyes and will help you get the bite you’re looking for.

2. Rinse your reels.

It’s important to take good care of your fishing gear. Saltwater is a lot harsher on your equipment, so be sure to rinse them in a bucket of water once you get home.

3. Be patient.

The ocean is vast and offers a wide range of potential, but that doesn’t mean you have to move your boat constantly. If the fish aren’t biting at first, don’t get discouraged! Patience is key to big game fish.

4. Keep an eye out for other animals.

Dolphins or a flock of seagulls can be an important tip off to some big game fish. Watch the sky for swooping birds of prey or scan the waters for jumping dolphins, and take your boat in that direction.

5. Charter a boat with Fin and Fly.

If you are looking for the best places to fish in your vacation spot, don’t be afraid to charter a fishing boat. Fin and Fly Fishing charters offers several to choose from! Our guides know exactly where the best spots to fish are, giving you the best and most memorable deep sea fishing experience.

Book your charter online or by phone today, check out the waters of Cocoa Beach, Cape Canaveral, and Orlando, Florida, and see what you can catch using these hacks.

5 Fun Florida Deep Sea Fishing Facts

5 Fun Florida Deep Sea Fishing Facts

September 20, 2018

Do you find yourself bored by standing in waist-deep water along a riverbed or casting a line out on a lake? Are you in need of a more thrilling angling trip? Whether you’re a master caster or new to the sport, deep sea fishing off the coast of Cape Canaveral, Orlando, and Cocoa Beach, is an exhilarating adventure. Here are a few fun facts about the best deep sea fishing experience Florida has to offer.

1. Big Water, Big Game

The ocean is home to some extraordinary creatures. If you’re looking for an impressive catch, you’ll want to explore the Florida coast. Big game fish such as mahi mahi, marlin, sharks, and tarpon are just some of the massive catches you can haul in.

2. Reel it In

Deep sea fishing isn’t a cast and forget activity. It’s important to keep an eye on your line out in the open waters. Some of the feistiest of fish take hours to tire out and reel in, so be sure to practice patience. Once you get your catch on board, you’ll realize the prize was well worth the struggle!

3. Different Fish for Different Seasons

One of the most exciting things about deep sea fishing off the coast of Cape Canaveral, Cocoa Beach, and Orlando is the wide variety of species you can catch depending on the migration patterns. Florida anglers can expect bluegill and sharks in summer, bass and specks in fall, sunshines and catfish in winter, and redear and peacocks in spring.

4. Longer Days on the Water

Deep sea fishing provides a lot more freedom when it comes to heading out on the water. Whether it’s morning, afternoon, or evening, the Florida fish are usually biting.

5. You’re Gonna Need a Bigger Boat

Smaller vessels just won’t do the job on ocean waters. Deep sea fishing boats need to be able to withstand rough waters, changes in weather, and comfortably store passengers and everything they catch. Fin and Fly Fishing Charters is able to do just that with three deep sea fishing vessels for peak performance.

For the best deep sea fishing experience off the coast of Cape Canaveral, Orlando, and Cocoa Beach, Florida, book your charter online or by phone with Fin and Fly Fishing Charters and show us you know your fishing facts!

Lured: Fishing off Port Canaveral

Lured: Fishing off Port Canaveral

When charter fishing off Port Canaveral, you may find yourself face-to-fin with several different types of fish. It’s important to know which lures will get those fish on your line and into your boat. This handy guide to which lures catch what will be sure to help!

Red Drum

When searching for these popular game fish on a deep sea fishing charter, you’ll need to find a lure that entices them. Since these fish mostly feed on the bottom of the ocean for crustaceans and mollusks, you’re going to want to bring them to the surface with the topwater plug. This lure will glide beautifully on the surface of the water, causing these giant redfish to strike almost instantly.


Snook are one of the most powerful and thrilling catches you can make off Port Canaveral. While there are a number of lures that are sure to catch snook, one of the best is a spoon lure. A spoon lure is shaped like the bowl of a spoon and are mainly used to attract snook by reflecting light and moving randomly. These movements are sure to get a snook chasing after your line.


These blue beauties are elusive, but will prove to be one of the most rewarding fish you can pursue on a Port Canaveral fishing charter. Sailfish love some good live bait, such as blue runners, pinfish, and ballyhoo. These live bait will give you an advantage, but you have to be crafty with how you cast. You want your live bait to look as though it is swimming naturally in the water to best attract the sailfish.

Catch with Us

Now that you’re a genius when it comes to lures, why not show your skills on our deep sea fishing charters out of Cape Canaveral, Orlando, and Cocoa Beach? We’d love to see you catch the fish of your dreams! Book your charter online or by phone with Fin and Fly fishing charters today.

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